Stephen Mark Creative

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Achiever • Adaptability • Ideation • Learner • Arranger

What I Do

Web and Print

I've been designing web content for over 6 years and print for more than 18. I've recently had the opportunity to learn the front-end aspect of coding for the web. I'm charging forward and onward with so much more to learn! Check out my portfolio below.

Logos & Illustrations

How does one create a simple logo to convey everything about a company or event? Ideally, I believe it should be as strong in black and white as it is in color, but not always possible due to client demands. It's this challenge I enjoy.

Creative Fun

Being creative at every opportunity is who I am. Why? Because I can. From canvasses, wall murals, facepainting, to snow, check out my portfolio below to see why my kids are the reason I am not growing up anytime soon.

“You can't let the package hide the pudding. Evil is just plain bad! You gotta smack it on the nose with the rolled up newspaper of goodness! Bad dog! Bad dog!”

The Tick


Web & Print

Logos & illustrations

Creative Fun